Blogging with WordPress

Blogs represent a somewhat different medium than many writers are used to. Originally designed as a sort of electronic diary, the format has grown to an importance unimagined by those original authors. Blogs now span the spectrum from professionally written news and opinion columns to the original personal diaries. The format simply works, posts in a chronological order, easy to create, easy for the reader to follow. is running WordPress, the most popular blogging package on the net today. The popularity is well founded, the software is incredibly powerful and allows for a dizzying array of options and configurations. Thousands of themes allow for a wide range of appearances and formats for the blog. An even larger array of software plugins allow the addition of features and integrations with other web services.

The basics of blog postings remain the same, whatever software is used to handle the details. A nice guide to WordPress posts can be found in the WordPress Codex. It includes the technical aspects of formatting and tags, but does not neglect to mention the elements that make blog postings connect to the audience. Clear writing, good grammar, and a reminder to add an element of the personal story that resonates with readers.

About Andrew Cooper

An electrical engineer living and working on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. Webmaster for the website. Sometimes the first mate/deckhand/launch driver/anchor detail/cook/dishwasher and mechanic aboard the Nordic Quest.
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