Freshwater Bay offers several good anchorages. In past visits to Freshwater Bay we had used Pavlof Harbor. While providing a good anchorage, the harbor can be a bit busy, the small Alaskan experience cruise ships that ply these waters regularly stop in Pavlof. If you do not mind a small fleet of a dozen kayaks and a couple ribs running around, Pavlof can be a good choice.
For a bit more solitude Cedar Cove is a better choice to our tastes. A mile further into Freshwater Bay the cove is an excellent anchorage with nearly bombproof shelter. Avoid the temptation of entering between the islands and come in from the western end along the shoreline. An alluvial fan at the outfall of a stream chokes the channel about halfway in forming a shallow bar. Once over that the cove offers plenty of room and a good anchorage in ten fathoms.A sizable float house occupies the western end of the cove. On our last visit it looked occupied if somewhat poorly maintained, grass growing on the decks. The wreckage of another float house can be found on the southern shore, logs, cordage, and household items in the tidewater.