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Category Archives: Talk Story
A Conversation on the Docks
Leaving Deb to take a nap in the hotel room I grabbed a camera. The shopping was done, nothing to do until we loaded up baggage and groceries for a quick flight to Craig the next morning. I wondered if … Continue reading
Changes in Tenakee
I realize things change, but sometimes the “improvements” seem to involve a loss. A loss of what was, a loss of a little piece of history. The Snyder Mercantile was a time capsule of another era. Built over a century … Continue reading
Posted in Alaskan History, Talk Story
Tagged history, mercantile, renovate, Snyder, Tenakee
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Nordic Quest to Bear Bait
“Bear Bait” is the radio call-sign we use for our launch and shore party. It has been our tradition for years, no need to plan this ahead of time, we know. It was the first time we rented a boat … Continue reading
Replacing Those Sacrificial Zinc Anodes
Every other year I make the trip from Juneau to Puget Sound and part of my winterization is performing basic maintenance and using North Harbor Diesel in Anacortes for dry storage. I like dry storage because not only is it … Continue reading →