Tag Archives: British Columbia

Ocean Falls

In 1906 a group of businessmen chose the site for a new mill along the timber rich coastline of British Columbia. At the head of Cousins Inlet a large waterfall allowed the construction of a hydroelectric dam that would eventually … Continue reading

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Blunden Harbor

It is always nice to know a few safe harbors one can use to wait out bad weather. Before making the passage across Queen Charlotte Sound on a northbound journey there are a few such places to mark on your … Continue reading

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Bay of Plenty

Another good anchorage that can be used while exploring Laredo Inlet in the beautiful Princess Royal Island. This bay is on the western side of the inlet towards the northern end. The other anchorages we have explored and can recommend, … Continue reading

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Photo of the Week – Winging North

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Khutze Inlet

Another excellent choice for anchoring along the primary Inside Passage cruising route. Khutze Inlet offers good place to stop and enjoy the wilderness that you have come to see. A short detour from Princess Royal Channel brings you to the … Continue reading

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Fury Cove

While voyaging north and south it is necessary to exit the sheltered inside passage to cross the open waters of Queen Charlotte Sound. The convenient anchorages used to wait for good weather are well marked on any skipper’s charts. When … Continue reading

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The Wreck of the SS Ohio

In 1909 the Alaskan Steamship Company steamer SS Ohio struck an uncharted rock in Finlayson Channel. Traveling north, the steamer was serving the Seattle to Nome route as she had for the past eleven seasons. Originally constructed in 1872 for … Continue reading

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British Columbia from Above

How many times have I flown up this coastline? I look down on the many islands, waterways, fiords and glaciers of British Columbia. I have oft wondered what beauties could be discovered by boating through that maze of water and … Continue reading

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