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Category Archives: Fishing
Photo of the Week
108# Pacific Halibut Caught at Strawberry Island in Glacier Bay
2018 Halibut Fishing Regulations Issued for SE Alaska
Well, the halibut regulations for SE Alaska waters are finally available and after some rather historic deliberations are pretty much the same as 2017. That is, if you are a non-guided sport fisherman. You are not so lucky if you … Continue reading
Noyes Island King Salmon
Over the next four weeks the Nordic Quest will be stalking trophy kings in the Noyes, Lulu and Baker Island area on the west side of Prince of Wales. We have wanted to do this for a long time and … Continue reading
On the dry, wrapped and heated, the Nordic Quest is ready for anything that the winter months in Juneau can send her way. In med-September we hauled out the Nordic Quest at the new Auke Bay facility. We performed end … Continue reading
Posted in Alaska, Chartering, Cruising, Fishing
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The Alaskan Fishing Experience
Alaskan fishing… The cold and the rain, the misery and deprivation, the warm sticky buns straight from the oven…
Getting boarded and inspected does not happen often, but it does happen. We were anchored and bottom fishing near Tenakee when we noted an official looking vessel. Wait? Is it headed headed straight at us? Yes. As it neared we … Continue reading
Track Color Coding
When trolling for salmon the bridge can be a wee bit quiet. Not much to do, why not explore the features of the Furuno navigation system? A very cool feature! It appears you can color code the track based on … Continue reading
Splash Day
The weather had been bad for several days with winds up to 40 knots and five footers in Auke Bay, but today it laid down. It was a long awaited moment. The shrinkwrap was removed and at high tide this … Continue reading
Posted in Alaska, Cruising, Fishing, News
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