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Tag Archives: fishing
A Guide to the Fishing Boats of SE Alaska
When touring and fishing the inland passageways of southeast Alaska you will pass a wide array of other craft on the water. Your desire to catch fish might be for the sport of it or simply the desire to fill … Continue reading
The Alaskan Fishing Experience
Alaskan fishing… The cold and the rain, the misery and deprivation, the warm sticky buns straight from the oven…
Getting boarded and inspected does not happen often, but it does happen. We were anchored and bottom fishing near Tenakee when we noted an official looking vessel. Wait? Is it headed headed straight at us? Yes. As it neared we … Continue reading
Nordic Quest 2013 – The Video
Sorting through thousands of photos, dozens of video clips, and assembling time-lapse from yet more thousands of frames, all to create a mere five minutes of video. It is quite the chore, but also a lot of fun. In a … Continue reading
Posted in Photography
Tagged bear, bubble net, fishing, glacier, Glacier Bay, grizzly, humpback, ice, Nordic Quest
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The Endicott Arm Shrimp Pots
For years I have been going in and out of Endicott Arm to Dawes Glacier and Ford’s Terror and along the eastern shore south of Sum Dum are dozens of old rusting shrimp pots stacked up. I wondered if they ever … Continue reading →